
Thursday 11 October 2012

Preliminary Task

Here i have implemented my match on action where Leena opens the door from the outside, and then i put the camera in the inside of the room and started filming her walking into the room and then in Final Cut i edited the footage so that it would flow smoothly.

Then i took a picture of the timeline and showed that i edited it in Final Cut and this is what it looked like on the timeline.

During my prelim i used a CCTV effect so that it would look more genuine, so i had a look through the effects and i found one called bad tv effect and this made the screen distorted but very distorted, so i edited the settings so that it had a low saturation so it was black and white, and therefore it gave the scene a much more realistic feel.

This is one of the camera angles we used this one is point of view from my view.

This camera angle was the over the shoulder shot.

1) We both came up with the same idea because we had inspiration form an A2 student and he used the same cctv footage effect and we thought that this would make the film feel more realistic to the viewer. Then after watching the A2 students videos we then started thinking on that it should be a accidental murder and then from there on all of the ideas kept coming into our heads.

2) We where planning our footage on a storyboard on an A3 piece of paper so that we could see what our layout of our filming shots would look like. We used postick notes so that if we wanted to rearrange our shots we could do it with ease.
We also made a script on a white board so we could revert back to our dialogue and remember what to say.

3) The shoots were fairly efficient because we did most of our takes in under 2 or 3 shots which was quick and less time consuming so then we had more time to edit our footage. The thing that was time consuming was to do the storyboard because we had to be creative and actually think of an idea for our preliminary task

4) We had to keep to the 180 degree rule where you couldn't pass the 180 degree line when recording 2 people separately and when we had to do it we found it pretty easy to do and really made our footage look much more professional, we also had to open a door which was simple, we also had someone walking in a room, but we didn't make them sit down because we had a different scene where i was on a chair so we didn't implement that but we still used everything else. we also used some small bits of dialogue where i was interacting with the co-actor. I found that the best shot was the match on action where Leena opened the door then we cut to her close up of her hand opening the door, i thought that was very well filmed and very well edited.

5) I learnt different camera shots which are simple but very effective in any films, this will help me in my further education in media studies and will aid my filming to a higher level. Before i started this i had know idea how to use Final Cut but after 3 lessons i know how to edit raw footage, use effects and leant how to export in HD and it the best possible quality, so overall i have learnt huge amounts of knowledge  and will implement them in my final project.

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